Quantum Orchid - 8 ounce bottle

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Quantum Orchid - 8 ounce bottle

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Quantum Orchid - 8 ounce bottle




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Product Highlights

  • Probiotics for Orchids
  • 100% Organic, All Natural
  • Promotes Healthy Growth and Vibrant Blooms

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Frequently Bought Together

Quantum  Orchid - 8 ounce bottle
 Oxygen Core Dual Pot - 4.25"
Conifer Mix - Imperial Bonsai Soil - Junior Bag
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Also available in Quart and Gallon

All Natural - 100% Organic
Probiotic Power

Read the reviews

Quantum™ Orchid is probiotics for orchids (like yogurt is for people) with natural microorganisms for superior health and growth. Great for all plants, from orchids to grasses.

Directions for Use:
Quantum Orchid can be used with your normal watering and fertilizing at the rate of 1 Tablespoon per gallon. Pour diluted solution over the potting mix. For best results apply every 14 to 21 days. We suggest mixing outdoors because Quantum Orchid can have an odor you may find objectionable when you first open the bottle.

Why Should I Use Quantum Orchid?

  • Increases blooms.
  • Increases root growth and thickness.
  • Stimulates brighter colors.
  • Promotes lush growth.
  • Safe for use around people and pets.
  • Ideal for new or transplanted orchids.
  • Good for the environment.
  • Helps orchids recover from damage by pests and environmental stress.

Quantum Orchid performs multiple key functions for increased orchid growth and health including:

  • Microbes that help deliver and cycle fertilizer to increase nutrient uptake for orchids.
  • Beneficial microbes that increase orchid health and their natural resistance to stress and disease.
  • Microbes that increase orchid growth through the natural production of plant hormones.
  • Photosynthetic strains that "feed" orchids by producing sugars, thus providing energy to plants.

Quantum Orchid is:

  • Not a fertilizer (no added N-P-K) or a compost / manure product.
  • Not a chemical, pesticide or artificial hormone.
  • Not made of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

What about odor?:

Like many horticultural supplements, Quantum-Orchid may have a bit of an odor when you first open the bottle. The good news is, there is no noticable odor from the product once applied.

Excerpted Reviews

My initial introduction to Quantum-Orchid was at an open house at Black Meadow Flora, which is an orchid greenhouse. A lecture was given where I learned about Quantum and all how it enhances orchid health,growth and vigor. I use 1 tsp. Quantum-Orchid per 6 cups of water as directed on the bottle during repotting as well as during my usual watering regime. In just two weeks I have witnessed some orchids literally come back to life! No droopy, paper thin dull leaves. Roots growth- as well as flowers blooming for six months.

This week I found one of my Phals with two new spikes!

I recommend it - give it a try!

Michele B.
New York

To whom it may concern,

I have been using Quantum Growth on my entire collection of over one hundred orchids since late May, 2007. I found out about Quantum Growth from friends in the Master Gardeners of St. Johns County and attended a lecture on it at the St. Augustine Agricultural Center. It didn't take long after I started using Quantum Growth for me to see a noticeable and positive difference in my orchids... After only about two weeks of using it, I noticed a pronounced increase in new root production on many of my plants. That was followed closely by lush new growth and not long after that - blooms!

Perhaps the most dramatic results I got from Quantum Growth on any of my orchid hybrids was on my Oncidium Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance'. The plant literally "exploded" in growth with Quantum Growth and by July, 2007 had produced five separate flower spikes, each one over three feet long with branching inflorescences. There were over 150 individual flowers on it. Never had this plant performed like that before in the three years I've had it! My Oncidium Sweet Sugar 'Salaya' plant also bloomed beautifully with multiple spikes in August, 2007.

Some orchid species I have that either have bloomed or are currently in spike and about to bloom since May, 2007 are Dendrobium aggregatum, Angraecum sesquipedale, Epidendrum ciliare and Maxillaria tenuifolia. In November, 2007 a friend gave me two cuttings off of her Oncidium carthagense plant. I mounted one on a cypress slab and put the other in an empty (no potting medium) wooden slatted basket. In less than two weeks with Quantum Growth, both the cuttings had dozens of new roots shooting out. The one on the cypress mount has completely rooted onto it in less than two months.

I highly recommend any orchid grower give it a try on your plants, you will not regret doing it!

Paul J.
St. Augustine Orchid Society

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