Plantastic! Plant Waterer - 16 Ounce

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Plantastic! Plant Waterer - 16 Ounce

Standard Bag - 3 Pack


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Product Highlights

  • Waters While You're Away!
  • Easy to Use, Reusable, and Very Effective
  • Won't Clog From Impurities in Your Water

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We pride ourselves in searching out the very best products for our plants and for yours. Watering is crucial to plant health and doing it right, especially with orchids makes all the difference. But what happens when you are on vacation? What if you are gone for a spell and your prized plants don't get your watchful attention? How many times have we heard stories of the well intentioned caretaker who wiped out a collection? Plenty!

Enter Plantastic! This easy to use reusable and amazingly effective little tool does the work while you are away and does it perfectly. Water flow is governed by a small disk which evenly modulates the release of moisture to the potted plant from the 16 oz reservoir. It can keep your plant watered for 2 weeks or more, and the flow disks can be flipped or doubled up to reduce flow further if you prefer to provide a bit less water to certain plants.

It won't clog from tap water impurities, doesn't require funny looking milk jugs, wine bottles, mason jars or soft drink bottles. It can be hidden in the foliage of most houseplants, allows you to leave your plants right where they always are, and many people use them for regular watering too!

This is from the inventor:

The idea for Plantastic®, (the automatic houseplant watering device that REALLY WORKS!), took shape in the mid 90's as my parents, Chuck and Liz, prepared for retirement in Savannah, GA. They wanted to be able to visit their far-flung children and grandchildren but Liz had a tremendous collection of houseplants that needed to be watered. When returning from several weeks of travel she often found her plants to be dead or highly-distressed. She tried everything--putting them all (all 37 of them!) in 3 bathtubs, drip systems, pump and valve systems, reservoir systems, wick systems, gravity flow systems--you name it, she tried it. We bought and tested dozens of products that claimed to solve this problem of automatically watering unattended houseplants while you're on vacation-- but none did.

Enter Chuck, who never met a problem he couldn't solve. As an engineer he led a rocket engine design team for the Apollo moon-landing program. So, although this isn't exactly rocket science, the rocket scientist set out to find a way to travel without having to rush home to water the plants.

Between golf games he developed the first prototypes for a houseplant waterer. He began testing in Spring of 1996, and applied for a patent in October. On April 27, 1999 the US Patent Office issued a patent, and later a trademark, for Plantastic!® Several other patents are pending. Today, after over 5000 tests, there are over 1,000,000 Plantastic! Plant waterers installed for happy houseplant owners in every state of the US and numerous foreign countries. Now you too can enjoy worry-free vacations and travel knowing that your plants and houseplants will be watered while you're away.

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