What Climate Should I Keep my African Violet in?

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What Climate Should I Keep my African Violet in?

Best Temperature For African Violets

With African violets it’s important to remember where they originate from, East Africa. So what can we do in our homes, that are most likely not representative of the climate in East Africa, to help these plants thrive?

Below are some general questions we get from customers regarding climate control.

African Violet Cosmos Bloom

What temperature should I keep my African violets in?

Try to keep your African violets between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. When in doubt, it is safer to be warm then cool regarding these plants. They really do not enjoy the cold.

What about air conditioning? Will it hurt my African violets?

Humidity is an important part of successfully growing African violets. If you can, try to keep the humidity above 55% in the area your African violets are growing. In an optimal environment, they would be growing at around 75% humidity, but this just isn’t practical in many cases. If you have a greenhouse though and can keep the humidity above 70%, you will surely be rewarded for it. Look at humidity trays and grow domes if you are looking to increase humidity for your African Violets.

The heater broke in my house last night and my African violets were exposed to very cold temperatures. What do I do?

African Violet Pink Repotted

Get your African violet somewhere warm as quickly as you can. If you don’t see any signs of rot, great. Monitor it for any signs that may occur over the next couple of days.

If your plant is showing signs of root rot (dark, unsightly tissue), remove any rot you see. Next, take a plastic bag and cover your African violet with it. Make sure the leaves are not touching the bag. After the bag is over your African violet, blow inside the bag and seal it. This will trap extra warmth and humidity in the plant. Finally, wait at 5-8 days before opening the bag to give your African violet the best chance to recover. There is no need to water your plant during its time inside the bag.

Are there any signs my African violet isn’t meeting its humidity requirements?

A telltale sign of low humidity is old looking leaves. If your leaves look wrinkled and dry, and you suspect your growing environment isn’t very humid, it’s most likely a sign that you need to introduce more humidity into your African violets growing environment. Another sign can be flower buds that are simply not opening. If a bud on your African violet has looked the same for a while, it might be a good idea to check the humidity of the growing environment.

Can I overheat my African violet? It’s native to Africa after all!

Yes, you absolutely can overheat your African violet. Leaves will begin to look dry and shriveled, and your plant can begin to grow/look weak and spindly. We recommend that you keep your African violets north of 70 degrees while it grows. Try to keep your African violet in an environment you would feel comfortable in.

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